The Environmental Protection Agency has reported that the average American spends 93% of their time indoors, which means only a day and a half a week is spent enjoying the great outdoors. Making your garden feel like a functional space that is an extension of your home is a great way to get outside more, whether you make it a perfect dining space, somewhere to socialize or a calming place to relax.

Keep it clean and presentable

flower bed designs for front of house Small Flower Bed Ideas For Front House
Just as you do inside your home, it’s important to keep outside clean and presentable so that you enjoy being out there. You should sweep the floor and even vacuum to get in between the cracks on patios and decking. Make sure fences, decking, sheds, benches and your house’s exterior are painted regularly to keep it looking fresh and inviting, as well as helping to weatherproof it. Choosing a brightly colored wood stain can add some color to make it feel more homely. Lastly, clear out your guttering and drains solar powered spotlights look good anywhere to avoid a buildup of debris that can entice wildlife near your home, as well as cause blockages that can smell and deter you from wanting to spend time outdoors. This should be done at least twice a year.

Add some lighting

If you didn’t have a working light in one of your rooms you’d probably go and sit in another one, and the same applies to your garden. Adding outdoor lighting makes you more likely to sit outdoors and enjoy your garden once the sun goes down. There are loads of lighting options for gardens to help you set a mood or make it more functional. Fairy lights are great for dim lighting that adds a touch of romance, solar powered spotlights look good anywhere or you could even invest in some electric lights, such as streetlamp styled ones that add a lot of light. Fire pits are also a good source of light, as well as warmth, and create a nice cozy atmosphere that makes it easy to spend long evenings in the garden.

Add some personality

Add some personality
Decorate your space with things that you enjoy, whether it’s sparkly dragonfly and butterfly wall ornaments, garden gnomes or funky flower pots, make sure everything has a touch of your personality in it so that it’s a space you enjoy spending time in. Adding your favorite flowers as a centerpiece to your table and some ornaments and candles is a great way to decorate. Windchimes can add a relaxing background sound, as well as a decorative touch, or you could get a portable Bluetooth speaker so that you can play music in your garden while sunbathing, eating a meal or just relaxing.

Your garden offers the perfect opportunity to spend more time outside and being at one with mother nature. Making it feel like an inviting and cozy extension of your home will make you want to spend time outside enjoying the space you’ve created.