Going on holiday in Ireland is exciting and your family is getting ready for an unbelievable experience. The last thought you want popping into your head as you roll out of the driveway is…did I forget anything?

Here is a little checklist of things to do before you leave so you will have the best time on holiday without worrying about things at home.

Make sure Your Insurance is Up-to-Date

Keeping your insurance premiums up-to-date is one way to protect yourself from loss or damages caused by burglars attempting to break in. Home Insurance from AA Ireland is one method for protecting your home and belongings while you’re away. They have affordable rates and it is easy to get a quote for coverage.

Double Check all Doors and Windows

This may seem like an obvious thing, but most burglars enter through an unlocked door, most likely one that the homeowner forgot to check when leaving. Once everyone is packed and all belongings are in the car, make a final check of all the doors and windows. Windows without locks can be fixed with a piece of wood wedged snugly in the track if it is a sliding window.
Double Check all Doors and Windows

Empty Your Mailbox

Mail and newspapers piling up is a sure sign that no one’s home. Have someone you trust come over and collect your mail and take it inside, or keep it until you return if you don’t want to leave them a key. You can also request that the postmaster hold your mail until you return. If you have a newspaper subscription, you can pause your delivery until your return date.

Use a Timer to Create the Illusion that Someone is at Home

A dark house is an empty house. To create the illusion of an occupied home, set the lights on a timer and control them from wherever you are. Leaving a few lights on helps deter burglars from trying to sneak in under cover of darkness. Motion detector lights are also a deterrent for would-be intruders.

Keep Your Travel Plans a Secret

If you must tell someone that you will be away, tell someone you’re close to. Don’t post pictures of your vacation on social networks until after you get back.Telling people you’re on holiday is an open invitation to burglars that your home is empty and unguarded. You can never be too careful, and if your posts are public you don’t know who all sees them.

Have a Neighbor Park in Your Driveway

Seeing a vehicle in the driveway and lights on inside the house will deter anyone from trying to break in because it appears that someone is home. If you have two cars, leave one there (locked) or ask a neighbor to park in your driveway while you’re gone.

Don’t Forget to Set Your Alarm

Don’t Forget to Set Your Alarm
If you have a home security system make sure to set it every time you leave your house. It can’t do anything if you turn it on when you leave. It’s easy to overlook because you always assume the other person turned it on, or whoever was the last person out the door. If you do not have a security system look into getting one Wireless Driveway Alarm. It will give you great peace of mind.

Keep Valuables Out of Sight

Hide your valuables in a safe or another secure area away from windows and doors. Stash your financial statements, identification, and anything you will not be taking that has value in a lockbox or rent a safety deposit box at your bank. If thieves do get in they can steal your identity using the documents you have in your home. This keeps them from getting their hands on it.

Invite a Neighborhood Watch

Let your local Neighborhood Watch know that you will be gone and to please keep an eye out for intruders. If you live in an area that doesn’t have a Neighborhood Watch yet, you can always ask a neighbor to keep an eye on your house while you’re out of town.