Your security and safety at home are undoubtedly a basic need. Gone are the days when only food, shelter, and clothing meant everything was fine. There has been an upsurge in both accidents and deliberate threats. The need for effective solutions for protection in the home is therefore urgent.

Burglars have advanced in the manner they execute their plans. They have tools that make it easier to break into a house. The security measures available have also tightened their chances for successful operation.

This article highlights some of the security solutions for the home. They can keep away any opportunistic burglar and make it harder for anyone with an intent to cause harm.

1. Install a Home Alarm System

You have probably turned off your alarm because, at times, it is a nuisance. Or, at certain moments, you have responded to a false alarm. An alarm is security protection as long as it remains on. 

The noise of an alarm should scare away an intruder. And alert you that there is danger. So, always switch it back on. 

Alarms can have significant shortcomings, which are costly as well. If you experience any of the weaknesses, a user manual should help solve your issue. Repairing these gadgets can be expensive. So, if you can fix it yourself through the manual, it means saving some cash. Besides, it pays to familiarize yourself with the basics, as it makes it easy to negotiate the cost of repair. 

2. Professional Security Audit

Take your family’s security seriously by seeking the advice of professional security consultants. The DIY approaches have their place. But for a more robust and water-tight security system, allow the experts to help you.

The consultants have their checklist to ensure they miss nothing during the audit. They will then point out areas of vulnerability in your home setup. They will also recommend the most effective solutions that will achieve optimum protection for you.

Most police departments offer unpaid advice on home security and safety. They can as well send an officer to conduct a security audit on your house. You can also approach private security firms for the same service.

3. Perimeter fence without Any Breach

Ensure your fence does not have gaps. Make it difficult for intruders to penetrate the fence. Any wall is better than no fence. It creates a mental barrier; to a burglar, your home looks impossible to break into when fenced.

Some fencing options available include:

  • Live fence
  • Chain-link
  • Weldmesh
  • Palisade
  • Garrison

4. Good Lighting for the Compound

Light up your home so that there is no darkness at all. Light is an effective deterrent. It gives an impression that someone is watching. The cover of darkness is a loophole most intruders exploit.

Security lighting is a cheaper way to keep suspicious individuals away. Any opportunistic intruder feels a psychological barrier when your home has sufficient lighting. It feels protected to them.

5. Doors and Windows

Fit secure locks on doors and windows. And always remember to lock all doors, including the garage door. Replace weak doors with solid-wood doors or metal bar doors. Place unbreakable glazing on windows.

You also need a clear line of vision to all windows and doors from outside. 

6. Get a Dog

Burglars fear noisy dogs. Get a big loud dog to watch over your compound. This will be a significant deterrent for any intruder. 

In most cases, dogs act as the first line of defense for the home.  Your house thus won’t be an easy target.                                                                                                                                                              

7. Install Security Cameras

Recent studies by the Washington post have shown that homes without security systems are three times more likely to be broken into than homes with security systems such as cameras, alarms, and so on.  

Technology allows you to connect your smartphone to security cameras in the home. This way, you can see what is happening at home from any location around the globe. 

There are many in the market. A favorable deal for you is one you can afford, and that will meet your security goals. Wireless ones use an IP network to link the camera remotely to the security location. You can install CCTV cameras that use cables to connect to a monitor.

8. Secure your Wireless Network

Some of the security installations, like cameras, use wireless networks. Intruders can hack your unsecured network. They can then steal your personal and financial data. This way, they can quickly gain access to your home.

Use the tricks below to create a robust defensive wall around your network:

  • Secure your wireless router by changing the username and passwords from the manufacturer and by updating the firmware frequently
  • Enable WPA ( Wi-Fi Protected Access) or WPA2 encryption
  • Rename and hide your home network by switching off broadcast
  • Use multiple firewalls
  • Turn (Wifi Protected Setup) WPS off
  • Install antivirus and anti-malware protection
  • Use (Virtual Private Network) VPN
  • Create strong passwords that are unique and long, preferable 16 characters

9. Practice the Best Defense

Your best defense is common sense. First, you should have a home warranty plan so you’re covered in the case of damage. When you avoid certain obvious mistakes, you safeguard your home. They say a small leak sinks a great ship. Certain assumptions you make may turn out to be very costly.

You could say there is no one in the compound. And leave several doors open. This could give access to an intruder who was hiding and monitoring your moves. The best common-sense practice is always to shut the doors and only open a door at a time.

The challenge with common sense is that it is not always familiar to everyone. Your exposure will determine what is common to you. For security and safety to be familiar to you, broaden your exposure to security matters. This is why police officers can easily offer security advice; they are widely exposed to it.

Security experts will tell you that security begins with you. It’s true. Don’t compromise; seal all possible loopholes; then, it will be tough for any intruder to execute their plans. Burglars are opportunistic. They strike when least expected, and when there is a weakness, they can exploit and not get caught. The solutions outlined in this article can by far increase your security. As much security begins with you, it does not end with you. Call in the experts, install security systems, and team up with your community for a safe and secure home.