The kitchen is at the epicenter of so many important life events, so feeling comfortable and proud makes a world of difference. From regular cooking and family meals to holiday celebrations and birthdays, we often congregate at the point where food comes from. Regardless of ones affinity to the kitchen, most people dream of remodeling theirs to accommodate their specific lifestyle and taste and enjoy browsing through options. Understanding the necessary steps involved and learning a few tricks of the trade will help you save money and avoid unnecessary stress. We’ve broken the process down into all the possible steps this process may involve to help you plan your renovation.


While it’s easy to demolish your current setup, there may be fittings worth saving, whether it’s to keep or to resell. While some expenses are inevitable and relatively fixed, others vary dramatically. Start by unscrewing and removing all existing cabinets, separating the trim and molds, and then unplugging electronics. Remove all the debris and don’t forget to cover wires that are exposed.


Once you’ve broken down the previous setup, you have the opportunity to fit your kitchen with new plumbing and replace outdated parts. This is also the time to change from electric to gas if you so wish!


Deciding which appliances, old and new, you will use regularly and where they’ll be placed, is the next consideration. Wiring the space to accommodate plug points and appliances like refrigeration, dishwashers, and lighting makes your life easier and working in the kitchen more efficient.


Choosing a new color scheme and changing the dynamic of your kitchen is one of the most enjoyable parts of remodeling. First timers often find out the hard way that painting is not as simple as it may seem, and understanding the differences between paint types can save time and money long-term. In a kitchen, where the walls are bound to encounter splatter and mess, a quality semi-gloss paint would be a good solution because of its reluctance to retain moisture, making it simple to wipe down and clean. It’s also essential to take into account the color scheme of your cabinets and fitting. Finding a wholesaler with discount cabinets in a wide range of options can be an excellent place to start.


Cabinets often make up a large proportion of remodeling costs but are not always as difficult to assemble as people think. It’s easy to save as much as 50% of the price by merely ordering flat-packed, self-installation and with a few handy tools, can be done by just about anybody. Discount cabinets are widely available online, and finding a reputable wholesaler, where lower prices don’t equate to lower quality is the secret to great value.

Counter Top

Counter Top
Once cabinets are chosen and installed, it’s time to select a countertop. There is an abundance of materials and styles to choose from, and you should consider what will best suit your needs. Take measurements and then decide from marble and granite to quartz and wood, or everything in-between, depending on your taste and budget.

Understanding these six critical steps and making decisions with them all in mind will help you to achieve your dream kitchen with minimal stress. There’s no reason why you can’t design your dream kitchen without the high costs of designers, architects, and pricey furniture.